Friday, April 6, 2012

Haikus For The Handicapped

Happy Passover Everybody!!!!!!!

Dayeinu by Jodi Sufrin and Matt Stern on Grooveshark

Crippie is going to follow a blog prompt tonight, but first I must get into my "Jew-ie" mode because tonight is the beginning of Passover. Even though Crippie and her family don't really observe Passover (we had pizza for dinner tonight and I will be working tomorrow) we still celebrate it by having a Seder with the family. This year's Seder is gonna be held at my house tomorrow with a buncha rambunctious Jews! In other words, tomorrow is gonna super exciting and tiring. Crippie might even consume a little bit of alcohol, so do forgive if I don't write a post tomorrow.
One way I'm gonna celebrate this year is by posting one awesome Passover related song per night. Tonight's song is the classic "Dayenu". It tells of the story of the Exodus from Egypt. I also find it very catchy. You can find the lyrics HERE.
Moving away from the Jew-ie goodness tonights HAWMC prompt looks fun. Health haiku. Write a haiku about your health focus. 5 syllables/7 syllables/5 syllables. Write as many as you like. Crippie hasn't written any good haikus since the fourth grade... here goes nothin'

Oh how I love thee
Handicap Parking Permit
Gets all the good spots

Tumor on my hip
You cause me much discomfort
Please go away now

The keloid rises
As big and red as the sun
Freaks out the normals

Watch for the wheelchair
for if you do not see it
it will run you down

The normal watches
The cripple limping along
Dude, we can see you

My cane is bad ass
About all things I am right
I am Dr. House

Heat packs are awesome
The pain leaves as it warms up
Just don't burn yourself

THAT WAS FUN! Now that I think about it, Crippie's teachers were always impressed with her mad haiku skills.

Crippie's Tippie - Have a happy and healthy Passover and Easter!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Crippie - I love your post and learning more about your religion. Thanks for sharing a haiku with us - I always wondered what it was. Happy Passover and Seder to you and your family.


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